Your $ has to go many, many places, as always. A long-term investment in sleep is paramount to well-being. Organic sleep products offer the clean sleep that you need!
the Bad News
"Forever" chemicals are known to be just that. So many household products add to the "cup runneth over" nature of toxicity building in our bloodstreams over time. Recent studies attribute mattresses, home furnishings, packaging and textiles (clothing) with synthetic components may have: formaldehyde, toluene, chlorofluorcarbons, brominated salts, napthalene and fiberglass. *
These toxins show in human blood, our water and food, and, of course, our homes and cars. What can be affected? Testosterone, pregnant women and fetus, children and the immunosuppressed. Disruption in the endocrine system can contribute to autism and delayed learning. Even low doses of endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be unsafe. The body’s normal endocrine functioning involves very small changes in hormone levels; however, these small changes can cause significant developmental and biological effects.*

Here at the Sleep Shop you can breathe easy. Non toxic flame retardant,
natural rubber latex, organic cotton and wool provide the tried and true cleanliness and quality that can make a difference in your life.
It's difficult to control what is in the air, water and food we experience, but when replacing everyday items, why not go organic?
Invest in your health, Invest in yourself.
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